About Us

What we do

Inbidel is a leading security and manpower company which provides security services as well as skilled and semi-skilled manpower for offices, businesses and residences. We have a sizeable team of experienced persons for construction activities, trained security personnel, dedicated office executives, dutiful housekeeping staffs and domestic assistants. We address the critical gap of motivated and efficient people needed for smooth running of your offices and businesses. In short, we are one stop-shop for all kind of man power requirements- from highly
skilled to unskilled. 

Our Objectives

We aim at providing the best quality services in the sector. That comes through watchful selection of qualified candidates and relentless training and grooming for values and skills essential for superior performance. Inbidel believes in changing the development story of the unorganised sector through its small endeavors.


Social responsibilities

Inbidel has been founded by motivated professionals with a dream to unlock the untapped potential of the talented youths of the country through better training and placements. Inculcation of human values, social etiquettes and environmental concern are the core of their trainings. Inbidel believes in mutualism and coexistence and guided by the principles of team spirit, productivity, excellence and takes special care to be humane in all its endeavors. Even unskilled labourers are trained and taken care of in such a manner that they recognize self-worth and contribute their best in the job. It aims at making the society prosperous and happy through their acts directly or indirectly.

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